
How doctors handoff patients (how it applies to incidents) : sre

I-PASS stands for:

  • Illness Severity
  • Patient Summary
  • Action List
  • Situation Awareness & Contingency Planning
  • Synthesis by Receiver


Summary of How I write HTTP services in Go after 13 years:

  • The NewServer constructor - big constructor that takes all dependencies as parameters. returns http.Handler. configures its own muxer and calls out to routes.go. includes setting up middleware, CORS, logging. ** Long argument lists - type safety in arguments.
  • Map the entire API surface in routes.go
  • func main() only calls run() - run() returns an error and accepts OS fundamentals as parameters for easier testing. background context is created in main but all other context handling is done in run. ** Gracefully shutting down - pass context through and check it at each level. ** Controlling the environment - use flags.NewFlagSet inside run. make a replacement os.Getenv for tests and pass that to run (or the real thing for main).
  • Maker funcs return the handler - creates a readable closure for each.
  • Handle decoding/encoding in one place - for JSON/XML encode/decode.
  • Validating data - single method interface with Valid(ctx context.Context) (problems map[string]string)
  • The adapter pattern for middleware - take an http.Handler and return one.
  • Sometimes I return the middleware ** An opportunity to hide the request/response types away - keeps global space clear.
  • Use inline request/response types for additional storytelling in tests
  • sync.Once to defer setup - anything expensive during handler setup, defer to the first time it’s called to improve overall app startup time.
  • Designing for testability ** What is the unit when unit testing? - multiple levels of options from run() down to calling individual handler functions. ** Testing with the run function ** Waiting for readiness - loop on hitting a /healthz endpoint until the server has started.


Really good writeup of Roc’s decision to rewrite their compiler in Zig (original version written in Rust).

roc rust zig

ouaouaron - Wiktionary, the free dictionary - the Canadian French word for “bullfrog”, ouaouaron, likely derives from an Iroquois word pronounced like “wawaron” (which is probably onamotapoeic). French doesn’t really use “w” for that sound, so they used “ou” instead.


making a video out of an audio file and a single image:

$ ffmpeg -loop 1 -i cover.jpg -i audio_file.mp3 -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -shortest -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4

Note: the image must have a height that’s divisible by 2.


“the hedgehog is too proud a bird to fly without a kick” - Russian proverb
