User: anders


introducing flan scan Cloudflare’s network intrusion detection scanner.

security sysadmin


Elixir forward-chaining inference engine.


Rustler - Using Rust crates in Elixir | Mainmatter

I need to understand why and when Rust NIFs would be preferable to interacting with a Rust program via ports. I get that a NIF written in Rust is less likely to crash than one written in other languages, but it still seems like there’s risk of crashing the entire BEAM VM and ports would be a safer approach.

elixir rust

rootsami/terradrift: A tool to detect drifts in terraform IaC

I’m still not convinced that there’s a big advantage over just running terraform plan in a daily cron, but I do like that this outputs Prometheus metrics so you can track drift over time.

devops terraform